Child Counselling

Child psychology is at the heart of psychological development.Problems that are not acknowledged and ignored between the ages of 0-6, stimulate and build the foundations for problems in adolescence and adulthood.

Children find it difficult to fully express their thoughts and feelings like adults. Therefore, the observation of the behavioural and emotional skills of the families is of great importance in order to understand the child’s need for therapy.

In child therapy, the focus is on the need and problem while simultaneously aiming to provide a strong sense of self and self-confidence in the child.Support is provided to establish communication between the child and the family.

Within the scope of Child Therapy;Services are provided in areas such as Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity, Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities, School Problems, Shyness, introversion, Anger Controlling and Effective Parent and Child Communication.

The length of the therapy process can vary depending on the severity and complexity of the problem